Staff Training- Is the only thing that will save the family
(brick & mortar) store in the future! In this current age of mass production,
commercialization, retailing and etailing how is the family business going
to survive? Train your staff!
...When information comes from their boss all they absorb
most of the time is blah, blah, blah, blah, ... It is critical that your
staff is trained by an outside source. With Betty Sue it is not just about
the product it is about the passion and love of this queen of gems. Her
passion is infectious, her knowledge is poetic, and her style is unique.
I have used Betty Sue to train staff members of mine and she has the remarkable
hands on approach that they get. When you have Betty Sue train your staff
they will not hear blah, blah, blah, sell more product, but rather pearls,
pearls, pearls, their passions will ignite and you will hear the ring,
ring, ring of your till, allowing you to say online retailers who? Her
training is in-depth, interactive, positive and cost reasonable. If you
say to yourself can I afford it? I ask you this in the current economy
can you afford not to?
- Charles M. Ellias GG ISA CAPP, Studio Director – Spiralz
Studio Of Contemporary Jewelry Design, Birmingham Michigan
Website Credits!
Photographers ~ Tinnee
Lee & Craig Carraher of San Francisco, CA ~ For the Postcard,
Bounty, and Mermaid
Photographer ~ Scott Tuason, courtesy of Jewelmer ~
For the Philippines images
Graphics Goddess ~ Jennifer
King of NYC ~ For her nifty design and graphics, Photoshop work and
And our Webmaster JB whom
we are sure stole everything from somewhere,
but we don't know where - and he won't
Being the novice that I am, it was especially nice to
come across a website as straight forward and informative as yours. Your
willingness to treat our business transaction so personally in our phone
conversation was comforting. Thanks!
Looking forward to seeing the goods
- Noemi Vela
Your website and pearls are 'to die for!' I'd order right
this minute if it wasn't too early..I'm on the east coast! Please send
me your postcards, and also a date for the show in Atlanta. I'll be calling
later in the day.
- Thank you! Debbie Bluestein
You transformed the room into a place of inspiration.
The page in the book where you show all the different kinds of pearls (pearl cross) was an eye opener for me, because I knew little about pearls before I came to the symposium. You can sing for me anytime!
Your energy is positive and amazing. What else could anyone expect from a Goddess!
Thank You again.
- Donna Beers, President Gemological Society of San Diego (Sixteenth Annual Sinkankas Symposium: Pearl on May 27 2019)
What a fabulous night!!! It felt like we were at the Academy Awards. Sooo special to be there with you and witness you being honored by our industry ... priceless! You are one rare lady and it was wonderful to share your special night.
- Clare Ullman, WJA Western Regional Director, Berkeley CA, for July 2017 WJA Award for Excellence
Links to our friends
metalcyberspace -
news, people and events relating to metalsmithing and jewelry design (Susan
Thanks for your patience and many thanks for speaking to the students!
You encouraged them and taught them each some valuable lessons.
- Kimberly Northup, GG, GJ, Career Services Manager,
Gemological Institute of America
i was reading metalsmith magazine, saw your ad again and so i just looked
at your website and i am drooling. amazing photos and more than
enough enticement for me to shoot off an email to you. thank you
so much in advance and i think you have fantastic stuff. very inspirational! all
the best.
- Heather Murray, Bar Harbor, ME
Congratulations on your endeavors, delights of the goddess,
lectures, and website. I explored your website myself, and found it well
constructed, accurate, and informative.
- Shellei Addison
My long time friend and inspiration Betty Sue...has been so kind to be my friend for more than 35 years. I have learned so much from her. We've worked side by side and on many projects, team members for 9 years on the AGTA Spectrum Awards. Along side AGTA's amazing staff, she was instrumental in elevating the Spectrum Awards to the high profile awards it is today.
- Robert Bentley, NYC, for July 2017 WJA Award for Excellence
Hi Betty Sue, Great Green article. (Modern Jeweler Jan
09) I learned a lot. I printed it out to share with customers.
- Again Soon, Lara
Our very own Bay Area Betty Sue King from King's Ransom presented a seminar
on Pearls for the National Association of Jewelry Appraisers during the
Tucson shows. It was well worth attending, and over 50 individuals from
all over the country were in town for this event.
- The Women's Jewelry
Contact Betty Sue King, Pearl Goddess at King's Ransom
webpage designs © 2003~2025 by jb